Sacred Journey

Soul Care & Spiritual Formation for the Christian leader’s journey.

Experience rest and growth on your journey of caring for your soul.

A Christian ministry of soul care and spiritual formation serving Missionaries, Pastors, and Christian Leaders of all types.

Our Services

Individual Sessions

Do you desire more than the daily busy-ness of life and ministry? Discover how to nourish your relationship with Christ with One-on-One video calls or in-person Soul Care sessions with Duane or Sandy.

Soul Care Intensive

5-day Personal or Couple Retreat

Examination, reflection, and one-on-one care are elements of this comprehensive, 360-degree look at your journey: past, present, and future.


3-day Personal or Couple Retreat

A guided and less structured retreat that creates space for focusing on specific life issues as well as exposure to elements of Spiritual Formation and training.

Group Retreat

4-day Group Retreat

Slow down and rest in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. The rhythm of this small group retreat moves between times for silence and solitude, an offering of information, and personal reflection.

What is Soul Care with Duane & Sandy like?

Your Journey, Your Joy

We walk with Christ-followers into a clearer understanding of the “soul” as it was designed and given by God to each person on earth.  We assist Christ-followers in “paying attention” and becoming “attuned” to God in their lives- both His words and His activity around them. 

We assist Christ-followers in moving truth-based information about themselves and God from the cognitive “knowledge” part of their brain and into the deeper places of learning related to “how” they live day-to-day.

About Duane & Sandy

Founders of Sacred Journey

With over 30 years of experience in missionary and pastoral care, they believe that the Soul Care message is the missing “preventative” ingredient to the abundant life and necessary for our transformation to be more like Christ.

Our Vision

To see individual Christian leaders deeply transformed into the likeness of Christ so that they will in-turn catalyze the same transformation in those they lead- both inside and outside of the church.  Through this exponential chain-reaction of transformation, churches, communities, cultures, nations, and the world will know the one and true living God- a world-wide spiritual renewal and awakening to Him.

Our Approach

Soul Care at Sacred Journey reflects the value of a hybrid approach to care from a philosophical and practical perspective. We combine the complementary but differing disciplines of counseling, spiritual direction, coaching, and discipleship.  These similar but different approaches to care are accessed by the Soul Care Provider as appropriate, as need requires, and according to the specific equipping and skill of the provider.  This hybrid allows for a blending of both directive and non-directive approaches to care- sometimes with multiple forms of care in the same session and/or retreat.

Your Transformation

Our desire is to see Christ-followers be “transformed” in their souls beginning with a clear understanding and acceptance of their “Belovedness” in God’s eyes.  From this place of rest and abundance, followers of Christ are able to put the basic questions of acceptance, worth, and belonging to rest and be free to focus out of this gift for the care of their own soul as well as the souls of those they are called to serve in ministry.

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